Theater Waidspeicher

Theater Waidspeicher is a professional ensemble puppet theatre. It was founded in 1979 as the puppet theatre department of the Städtische Bühnen Erfurt. Since 1993 it has been run as a non-profit organisation operating under the name of Theater Waidspeicher e.V. and currently employs 26 people on a permanent basis.
Since 1986, the theatre has had its home in the heart of Erfurt’s medieval city centre in a renovated woad warehouse, an exceptionally attractive location that accommodates 142 guests. More than 25.000 people come each year to the 300 performances, of which the standard and quality is outstanding. Behind this success is an ensemble with currently 7 puppeteers/actors at its artistic core. The majority of puppets, scenery, props and costumes are designed and created in the in-house workshops, qualified stage hands ensure the best lighting and sound quality. Behind them are a team of staff experienced in administration and public relations who guarantee the smooth day-to-day running of the theatre.
The Theater Waidspeicher e.V. repertoire encompasses material from every epoch and a range of genres, it ranges from fairy/traditional stories to modern narrative theatre to classics of literature to adaptations of contemporary children’s books and modern drama. The majority of productions are aimed at children and young people, however the evening performances for adult audiences are also very popular. Evidence of the positive resonance of our visitors/audience is reflected in the numerous national and international guest performances. The ensemble has toured throughout Europe, the U.S.A., Canada, Mexico, Taiwan, Israel, Russia and Turkey. The artistic achievements of Theater Waidspeicher have been recognised with numerous festival prizes as well as the Special Prize for Children’s Culture by the Stiftung Kulturförderung.
Theatre Director since 2009 is Sibylle Tröster.