The Shoes that were Danced to Pieces

based on the fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm
puppet theatre for 10 year olds and older | duration: 50 minutes
Director: Christian Georg Fuchs | Stage design and costumes of the actresses: Gisa Kuhn | Puppets: Carsten Bürger | Choreographic collaboration: Daniela Backhaus | Make-up: Nadine Wottke
Cast: Kathrin Blüchert, Melissa Stock, Karoline Vogel

Twelve fairy tale secrets behind a closed door

What is the secret of the dancing that happens every night? Loud music and merry laughter come from the daughters' bedroom, but they won't let anyone in. The king commissions three noble men to find an answer. And indeed, the door opens twelve times for them, and the twelve daughters present themselves. Each one different, each one mysterious. Each with her own music and her own dance. Together, the twelve entwine their audience in ever more diverse dances…

The Brothers Grimm fairy tale about looking for and finding one's own way of moving, unfolds a panorama of distinct types of puppets and different dances from all over the world.

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